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⊆ 8:40 by Dany B... | . | ˜ 75 comentarios »

“si no me creen cuando les hablo de las cosas de este mundo, ¿Cómo me creerán si les hablo de las cosas del cielo?”.Juan 3:12
Hombres de poca fe. Totalmente. ¡Hay los discípulos de Jesús en esos tiempos!, ¡que incrédulos que eran! ¡Y estando ahí con el! ¡Que falta de fe! ¡Como no se daban cuenta! ¿Cuántas veces escuchaste estas frases o vos mismo las dijiste?Preguntas: ¿en tu iglesia ocurren milagros? ¿Se habla en lenguas? ¿Se dicen profecías? ¿Se manifiestan los demonios? ¿Se sanan los enfermos increíblemente? ver 1ra de Corintios 12. Leí en Generación Emergente, de Júnior Zapata, un comentario que me quedo grabado. “no vaya a ser cosa que de tanto clamar la presencia de Dios en la iglesia, de tanto pedirle que nos ayude a ver, comencemos a encontrar algo que no queríamos encontrar. Algo que sea demasiado pesado para la iglesia. Demasiado trabajo. Que sobrepase a la reunión del domingo en el que nos íbamos todos felices, cada uno a su casita” (recontra adaptado por mi)Recuerdo esto en mi cabeza. Y por eso este versículo retumba dentro de mí. Si todavía no le creemos –a pesar de tener la Biblia en nuestras manos- que los discípulos no la tenían. Repito: no la tenían. ¿Cómo podemos creerle de cosas del cielo? Oremos. Clamemos. Roguemos al Señor para que aumente nuestra fe. Para dejar de ser unos “domingueros” de una ves por todas. Para ver la realidad social. Toda esa juventud que cada día que pasa se pierden dentro de un ciber. Horas y horas enchufados a maquinas, dentro de un “negocio mental”. Totalmente hipnotizados por violencia, pornografía, drogas, superficialidad, maltrato y quejas de que sus padres no los entienden. Jesús si los entiende. No nos olvidemos de eso. Y a pesar de que nos falta entendimiento, a el precisamente, no le falta nada, entonces ofrezcámosle a el único que si los entiende, que los abraza, que los ama, que los apoya y lo quiere sin condiciones. Sin quejas. Hoy es tiempo de sacar a Jesús de las cuatro paredes en que lo pusieron generaciones y generaciones de religiosos. Hagámoslo hoy. Esta generación lo pide a gritos. Esta generación lo necesita.
¿Cuando leías, se cruzo un amigo o amiga por tu cabeza?¿Qué estas esperando para hablarle, de todo el amor que Jesús te dio, y de invitarlo a encontrarse con el?
Si señor, hoy es tiempo. Estamos cansados de guardarte solo para los domingos. Cada ves que camino veo rostros que te necesitan a ti. Solo ven pasar la vida. Quiero mostrarte, necesito que te muestres maestro. Tú eres la vida. Esta juventud necesita de ti. Enséñame. Tenme paciencia. Perdóname por no saber muchas veces como llevarte a ti a esas personas. Te amo Señor, estoy aquí para servirte. En tu hermoso nombre, ¡amen!

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    1980's was the year when [B][URL=]Thomas Sabo Schmuck[/URL][/B] introduced his jewelry. Effort has been put in to generate pure ornaments in silver with exceptional high quality, which outcomes [B]Thomas Sabo onlineshop[/B] in formatting it is fantastic design. The two most classical series by Thomas Sabo; [B][URL=]Thomas Sabo Schmuck[/URL][/B] Club and silver Selection had been created and bring in fresh pieces of designs. Its mentioned about [B][URL=]Thomas Sabo[/URL][/B] that they represent our craze and obsession. In the event you want to produce a individual feel good and appear distinct amongst the [B]Thomas Sabo charms[/B] crowd, this is a best way to do so.

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    The Thomas Sabo necklace [B][URL=]Thomas Sabo onlineshop[/URL][/B] and other jewellery lines are aimed at both women and men. This is part of the large success [B]Thomas Sabo schmuck[/B] of this high quality silver jewellery. There is a little something for everybody no matter what their taste. Part of being successful in the jewellery business is [U][B]Thomas Sabo schmuck[/U][/B] being able to cater to a very wide audience.

    One of the most endearingly [B]Thomas Sabo[/B] popular products is the charm necklace. You can [B]Thomas Sabo[/B] choose a necklace or a bracelet to adorn with multiple decorative charms, and there are plenty [U]Thomas Sabo onlineshop[/U] out there to choose from. These charms come from every [B]Thomas Sabo schmuck[/B] interest and aspect of life that you can think of. Everyone can have a necklace [B][URL=]Thomas Sabo[/URL][/B] that reflects their individual taste and experiences. In [U]Thomas Sabo schmuck[/U] today's society, we are into being unique and [B]Thomas Sabo charms[/B] showing others who we are. This is the great thing about the Thomas Sabo [U]Thomas Sabo[/U] Necklace and charm line.

    All necklaces and bracelets are sterling silver [U]Thomas Sabo charms[/U] of the highest quality. Depending on the length of the Thomas Sabo [B]Thomas Sabo onlineshop[/B] Necklace, it has many different weights. You can [B]Thomas Sabo[/B] start at around dhs80 in price and work up to dhs250. After you [U][B]Thomas Sabo charms[/U][/B] choose a necklace, there are silver [U][B]Thomas Sabo charms[/U][/B] connectors that you choose from based again on weight.

    If you buy a charm necklace, it is advised to wear no more than [B]Thomas Sabo[/B] three charms. Because of the weight of the silver, your neck [U]Thomas Sabo[/U] can get weighed down pretty quick. It isn't easy limiting yourself. You can get as many charms as you want with a bracelet. With a Thomas Sabo Necklace, you can create a unique collection of charms and then just alternate. This will give you [U][B]Thomas Sabo[/U][/B] a unique look everyday or whenever you feel like you want to change. You can also have the feeling that you are wearing new jewellery every day. You will feel different when being able to have a fresh look whenever you want it.

    If you are looking for Thomas Sabo necklaces, many retailers [U][B]Thomas Sabo onlineshop[/U][/B] on the internet sell this fine line of sterling silver jewellery. Many suppliers offer everything from the wide [B]Thomas Sabo charms[/B] collection of necklaces and charms, to bracelets, earrings, rings, and more. You can find [B]Thomas Sabo[/B] whatever you are looking for when it comes to Thomas Sabo. Get in on a high quality silver jewellery line that [U]Thomas Sabo onlineshop[/U] can be as unique as you are. There really is something special for everyone.
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    This company began by accident [B]tiffany pendants[/B] what Ida Cohen requested her husband, Meyer, craft a stain glass window for the kitchen of their home. Enjoying the process, this [U]pandora bracelets[/U] hobby soon evolved into a profitable business. This glass [B]pandora[/B] lighting d¨¦cor began to be professionally manufactured. Meyda [B]tiffany[/B] Lighting was born from Meyer and Ida [B][URL=]pandora bracelet[/URL][/B] and the rest is history.

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    The Meyda Tiffany lamps are just one of the many things this family-operated [B]tiffany[/B] business is busy with. There line of products includes man [U][B]tiffany necklaces[/U][/B] types of lighting as well as landscape lighting, novelty lighting, wall sconces and ceiling [U][B]tiffany necklaces[/U][/B] fixtures. Furniture and fireplace screens are also part of their [U]tiffany earrings][/U] collection of products.

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    While these products can be pricey, they offer high [B]tiffany pendants[/B] quality that is crafted using proven and tested techniques. But these [U][B]pandora[/U][/B] elegant light fixtures are an investment that is worth having in [U][B]tiffany uk[/U][/B] any home or office. If you are looking for [U][B]tiffany charms[/U][/B] a d¨¦cor that is truly unique and will [U]tiffany uk][/U] standout Meyda tiffany lighting should be a definite consideration. Every [U][B]tiffany earrings[/U][/B] single piece is created with a heart full of desire for absolute perfection in glass lighting. Even [U]pandora jewellery[/U] amidst the many imitators out there, the real creations of Meyda can easily [U][B]tiffany bracelets[/U][/B] be spotted since they stand out in the quality and overall appeal.
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    Besides the traditional Tiffany's style, the jewelry [B]tiffany engagement rings[/B] comes in the traditional blue box and you can even find Tiffany inspired jewelry that [B][URL=]pandora jewellery[/URL][/B] reproduces the Tiffany style down to the box. Tiffany jewelry is traditionally sterling [U][B]tiffany[/U][/B] silver as the Tiffany Company has produced a special blend of silver that is very strong [U]pandora beads[/U] and will last.

    It is not a direct replica but it is inspired from the Tiffany style so [B][URL=]tiffany[/URL][/B] many of the pieces are very similar to Tiffany. Some companies [U][B]pandora jewelry[/U][/B] may even produce direct replicas. The main difference between real Tiffany's jewelry [U]tiffany charms[/U] and the inspired version jewelry is the price tag. They are just as beautiful [U][B]tiffany[/U][/B] and classic as the real ones but at much more affordable prices. If you aspire for [B]tiffany engagement rings[/B] a piece of Tiffany's then you should investigate Tiffany inspired jewelry.

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    Trying to find an innovative and lucrative [B][URL=]tiffany[/URL][/B] business? A business on sterling silver jewelries may just be the one you are [U][B]tiffany uk[/U][/B] looking for. It's never that too difficult to find reasonably priced Tiffany wholesale jewelry to get you [U][B]pandora bangles[/U][/B] started on your way to being financially independent. The Internet is actually a good place [B]pandora[/B] to start. You virtually spend nothing to find the supplier you are seeking. No need to be technically knowledgeable to find [U]tiffany charms][/U] your valuable information, a simple understanding of how to operate the computer and use a reliable search [B]tiffany & co[/B] engine is all you need.

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    The key to a profitable and lucrative business is to build a [U][B]pandora bracelets[/U][/B] large customer base. In order for you to get customers to comeback you must be [B][URL=]tiffany earrings[/URL][/B] able to please them with the quality of your items as well as the attractiveness of your designs. Always find unique [U][B]tiffany necklaces[/U][/B] and stylish designs, you wouldn't want to sell everybody else is selling. If your pieces are just ok and plain you may have difficulty [U][B]tiffany london[/U][/B] keeping faithful customers. Aside from having quality merchandise you [U][B]pandora beads[/U][/B] also should be pricing them reasonably, not too expensive but not too cheap. Always make [B]tiffany engagement rings[/B] your customers feel special in finding the best priced jewelries they [U][B]tiffany sets[/U][/B] can find.

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    It is not a direct replica but it is inspired from the Tiffany style [U]replica tiffany jewelry[/U] so many of the pieces are very similar to Tiffany. Some companies may even [U][B]tiffany jewelry boxes[/U][/B] produce direct replicas. The main difference between real Tiffany's jewelry and the inspired version [B]tiffany company jewelry[/B] jewelry is the price tag. They are just as beautiful and classic as the real ones [B]best website to buy discounted tiffany jewelry[/B] but at much more affordable prices. If you aspire for a piece of Tiffany's then you should [B][URL=]tiffany pendants[/URL][/B] investigate Tiffany inspired jewelry.

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    The general difficulties of men's and women's fashion

    Both women and men could have the difficulties of keeping their clothing up-to-date and in season, yet men's style usually seems a lot less difficult. Of course, for both genders, outfits and fashion options could be quite as intricate, and there are lots of'fashionable'items which could quickly become fashion faux pas - who will say they often times see people running around in 70s flames? On the other side, men's fashion has a few choice items which will exist forever - which man is likely to look out of position with a good-quality, tailored suit, for example? Select traditional cuts, colours and materials and you'll never seem out-of-place.

    Why basic men's fashion is amazing

    The common man's suit has hardly changed for over a hundred years. True, there are numerous varieties for various situations, nevertheless they are all popular in their quest for a smart, sharp try to find the person. The best part about classic style for men is that it is efficiently fashionable efficiently cool. A well-groomed lady will almost always look his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and it is a testament to the style of such apparel. A match will be utilized to work in many occupations because of the professional look it offers to the person, instilling a feeling of respect and confidence. Equally a suit will undoubtedly be utilized to many social functions, such as a tuxedo to a black-tie affair. This amazing versatility which allows suits to be worn in almost all functions is what gives it its amazing side and a lasting invest men's fashion.

    Modern movements in traditional men's style

    Though classic men's designs can never be replaced, it is interesting to remember that changes in men's fashion trends have produced particular common clothes back in fashion. The popularity of vintage clothing, specifically, has brought back a wide-variety of basic models into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy gentleman. 'Dandy'is a term used to reference men who dress in a classic yet elegant way, working in a sophisticated approach and placing importance on appearance. This development for almost'over-the-top'traditional fashion for men is evident from events including the'Tweed Run', wherever men and women of all ages dress yourself in particularly Victorian-style clothing and take to the roads on vintage bicycles - with most of the men sporting impressive mustaches! That is just one of many examples of proof exhibiting the revival of such styles. Additionally, there are numerous sites online which concentrate on gentlemanly type - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as whole internet sites such as'The Art of Manliness'focused on providing articles on basic men's fashion and grooming.

    In summary, whilst specific facets of traditional men's fashion could be brought back as new styles, the simple garments that they derive from will never fall out of fashion.

    "All it will take really are a few simple outfits. And there is one secret - the easier the better." - Cary Grant

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